Tuesday, June 11, 2019


      Hello friends ,you are looking for the best Savings And Investments ideas ,then you at right place,
If you want to make more money first you need to learn to manage money,i.e need to know the financial literacy ,once you learn these things you can earn money by multiple way and with multiplying earning rate.
     basically the technique we are going to know about when your age is between 25-30 and that time your investment is suppose 1'X and when your age become between 40-50 your income must be the 4'X-5'X means that the growth of income should be much more.
     For these things convert from imaginary level to real we have the following few TIP'S:
  • START EARLY learning about personal finance ,learn which option we have to invest such as Mutual fund's,FD's,Real estate,Gold. learn form basics about these investment,so learn fast and earn fast.
  • For these things to happen you also need to form "HABIT'S" for savings about 40-50% form your earning,Savings does not means to keep it in your bank account ,it means invest in by recognizing level of risk in area where you are going to invest.
  • Also for saving you need to adjust your lifestyle,needs to manage your needs and desire and make use of money wisely.
  • Two things play important role in day to day life for money management.
  • by buying assets helps you to earn money for Example :property like flat ,suppose you purchase it now and after few years its value become more and you will definitely get profit form it ,also same thing applies to mutual fund.
  • Lets talk about liabilities ,its the thing which suck out money from your pocket,for example,CAR purchasing,you have to think purchase a car when its value is only 5% of your saving,when you fulfill this ratio that's good time for purchasing it ,because it sucks your money form pocket in the form of fuel and as time passes its value goes down.
  • TIP FOR IDEA:find a clever CA friends because he is the one who help you in investment idea,discus them about different investment option which gives great return and educate yourself from them about it and apply it  in your life.Also build people network with investors experts ask them about earning opportunities for same.